Saturday, February 4, 2012

Phonology ( Week 2 )

Phonology (\fə-ˈnä-lə-jē, fō-\), as describe at is the science of speech sounds including especially the history and theory of sound changes in a language or in two or more related languages. This knowledge is essential for an educator so that they can be the best role model as English speakers. Students will learn more especially in pronunciations and language if educators are capable of using English in the best way as possible.
There are some key points in Phonology. They are:
1.       Phonetics: the study of sounds made by humans when they talk.
2.       Phonetic script: International Phonetic Association (IPA)
3.       Phonemes: the smallest unit of sound in a language which carries distinctive meaning. E.g.  /p/,    /b/,   /t/,    /d/
4.       Speech Organ: Organs that were used to produce sound
By knowing all these term, it should be easier for us to learn phonology. Next we move on to speech organ.
Speech organs
As we can see above, this is the speech organ. All of them have its own function which are to produce specific sounds such as vocal and vowel sounds. For more information, here's the link which describe briefly about the speech organ.

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